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EQ Sound Ripper v1.01

English | Japanese

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Description of EQ Sound Ripper
(yeah directly out of the readme file. el cheapo, eh?)

	Takes PFS and S3D files from Everquest directory 
	and creates readable WAV and BMP files into the 
	newly created directories that have same name as
	the original files (without the extensions).
	The actual ripping of files uses EQInside.dll 

	1. Enter EverQuest directory on the top box either by 
	writing absolute path (starting from the drive name) 
	or by selecting Browse button.

	2. Enter directory to extract files in the next box,
	either by the absolute path or by selecting Browse.

	3. Choose either you want to rip Sound Effect files
	or BMP image files

	4. Hit Update Dir button to show the files to select

	5. Select files you want to rip (multiple files work)

	6. Hit Rip It! button to start!

Special Thanks to Viktor Voroshylo (}
who freely provided EQInside.dll !!

Have fun ;)
